Hi, I’m Patty!
I’ve been baking and cooking since a very early age. One of my earliest memories of baking was when my Dad and I baked a marble cake. I don’t recall how old I was, but what I remember was that we made the cake in a tube pan with a removable bottom. The bottom was slightly dented causing cake batter to leak out onto the oven floor. I recall my Dad checking the oven and calmly saying “Your mother is NOT going to like this!”.
My next remembrance was making a strawberry pie from my Mom’s Betty Crocker cookbook. The hurdle was trying to figure out what “simmer” meant. With the absence of computers and therefore Google, I’m can’t even recall how I figured that one out!
Growing up I loved making breads of all kinds. My go-to “cookbook” was a little book from Flieschmann’s yeast. People don’t make this kind of treats anymore, sadly to say. These initial forays turned to a passion for cookbooks and cooking magazines, all the while becoming a software engineer.
Turning to present day and the Covid-19 pandemic, I spent some spare time teaching myself to bake and cook recipes that I had not tried before. The first recipe was for no-knead bread. The results were so delicious I thought it would be great to share with family and friends.
My Mission

I hope to provide recipes with detailed enough instructions that pretty much anyone can follow. And I stress, “pretty much anyone”.
I’m also using this blog to teach myself how to create and run a blog. I’ve been curious about bloggers and what is takes to maintain a blog or website. Using recipes as a topic provides a platform for both learning and enjoyment.